Slovenia no longer relies on Russian gas

NEWS | 20. 5. 2024

Responding to the findings from the European Commission reported in the media, which claim that Slovenia still relies on Russian gas, Geoplin, the largest Slovenia’s natural gas supplier would like to emphasise that the statements are not accurate.

In the end of 2022 Geoplin terminated the supply contract with Russian Gazprom and consequently ceased receiving Russian gas in 2023. The missing quantities were replaced by natural gas from Algeria, based on a mid-term gas supply contract concluded with Algerian supplier Sonatrach for the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025.

The quantities of Algerian natural gas were then almost doubled in the beginning of 2024 by concluding an additional agreement with Sonatrach. Furthermore, both companies have expressed interest to continue cooperation beyond the term of the existing contract. The talks are ongoing. Further diversification of supply remains our priority to ensure energy security, and the negotiations with various potential partners are underway.

Any missing quantities that Slovenia needs is currently provided by the already existing diversification of procurement sources based on agreements with European partners, i. e. on the basis of short-term contracts for purchases on liquid markets in the EU. It must be emphasised that it is not possible to claim that the origin of this gas is Russian because when deals are concluded with European suppliers of gas at virtual trading points or on stock exchanges, it is considered that this gas has already been previously imported into the EU and has EU origin. We do not have access to records on the origin of such gas.

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