Notification of Early Warning Level

NEWS | 11. 7. 2022

Today, 11 July 2022, The Energy Agency took the decision to declare Early Warning Level in line with the Gas Supply Act and the Legal Act on the Emergency Plan for Natural Gas Supply (for more see, effective as of 12 July 2022. The Energy Agency's measure was triggered by the current situation in the European gas markets related to the gas supply from the Russian Federation, although the gas supply in Slovenia remains uninterrupted. Based on the measure taken by the Energy Agency, Geoplin was, in accordance with the Legal Act on the Emergency Plan for Natural Gas Supply, obliged to notify its industrial users thereof and asked them at the same time to optimise and rationalise their use of natural gas.

Geoplin understands the Energy Agency’s decision, but nevertheless emphasises that the declared Early Warning Level does not mean that natural gas supply to Geoplin’s customers is reduced per se. Geoplin continues to ensure its customers natural gas quantities in line with individual supply contracts and will continue to do so in the future. Geoplin will also continue to closely monitor the situation and will regularly publish information related to security of natural gas supply on its web site.

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