Information about the company
Company name:
Geoplin d.o.o. Ljubljana, družba za trgovanje z zemeljskim plinom
Abbreviated company name:
Geoplin d.o.o. Ljubljana
Cesta Ljubljanske brigade 11, PO box 3706
1001 Ljubljana
The company is entered in the Companies Register at Ljubljana District Court under entry no. 061/10166700
Activity code:
46.710 Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products
Share capital:
EUR 29,583,473.10
Registration number:
VAT ID no.:
Bank account:
IBAN: SI56 2900 0000 1862 354
Bank: UniCredit Banka Slovenija d.d.
+386 1 582 08 00
+386 1 582 08 03
Management of the company:
Tel: +386 1 582 08 55
Simon Urbancl, Manager
Sales and Marketing Sector:
Tel: +386 1 582 08 01
Zlatko Paska, MSc, Executive Director of Sales and Marketing
Origination, Trading and Logistics Sector:
Tel: +386 1 582 08 01
Gregor Lukman, MSc, Executive Director of Supply, Trading & Foreign Sales
Finance Sector:
Tel: +386 1 582 08 01
Geoplin has a one-member Management, with Simon Urbancl as Company Manager.

Simon Urbancl, Manager
Simon Urbancl (born in 1979), university graduate in electrical engineering, is a highly qualified manager with many years’ experience in trading natural gas and other energy products in Slovenia and abroad. He held various high-profile positions during his career, among other he was Head of Short-Term Trading and Scheduling with Slovenian Energy Company GEN-I d.o.o. Ljubljana, Senior Power Trader and Portfolio Manager with Gazprom Marketing & Trading, London, UK; St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; and Zugu, Switzerland. Before joining Geoplin, he was Executive director of Sales and Trading with Slovenian Energy Company HSE d.o.o. from 2021 and company director of MSE Mak Energy DOOEL.
The Stakeholder’s Assembly appointed Simon Urbancl Company Director of Geoplin d.o.o. Ljubljana for a three-year term of office, starting on 1 October 2023.
Stakeholders’ assembly
There were a total of 3 stakeholders as at 7 November 2024. Ownership structure as at 7 November 2024 is shown in the pie chart.
Employees at Geoplin
Employees are key to the company’s success and an assurance for continued growth. The company employs experts with specialised profiles, and offers them opportunities in one of the most prospective sectors.
Motivated and professionally qualified employees achieve the company’s objectives on a daily basis. The company offers them a stimulative and stable work environment. The key competences of employees are reflected in an understanding of the natural gas market, awareness of the general economic situation, the ability to follow the demands of the market and needs of customers, responsiveness, a proactive approach and commitment.
The company’s organisational chart comprises the areas of marketing, purchasing, trading and logistics, as well as several independent support departments.